Our learning pod runs Monday-Thursday each week. Our programming consists of academic supports in literacy and numeracy and hands-on learning. Flexible attendance options are available.
Our Pea-Wee POD program is designed for children who are 4-5 years old. This program focuses on developing your child's academic, social, emotional, and communication skills. Learning is play based. Students will engage in hands-on activities that will develop fine and gross motor skills, early numeracy and literacy skills, and foster positive peer interactions.
We offer one-on-one and small group tutoring sessions to help support your child's academic growth. Email peasinapodhr@gmail.com for pricing and availability.
Now offering...
Mr. Andrew is now offering monthly music classes at the POD. Students are learning to play ukulele and piano.
Mr. Andrew is available for one-on-one music lessons every Friday at the POD. Contact him for more information or to book.